Journey through the Corridor
Carved out just below Arizona’s horizontal divide, the Copper Corridor encompasses a series of small towns unified by a history rich in mining along with a desire to evolve. A journey through this region may start in Superior, where antique shops and cafes line downtown with a breathtaking backdrop of rocky terrain that frames the town. Upon departing Superior, a scenic drive begins with one of the few 10% declines in the state; a stretch of road the locals fondly refer to as ‘The Divide’. The Ray Mine sits quietly with mountains of tailings left behind embodying the magnitude of sweat and tears that have been poured into the heart of Arizona’s Copper core.

Image source: Cat Brown
Image source: Cat Brown

​The towns of Kearny, Hayden and Winkelman each uphold their own unique personalities and hold fast as communities built on grit and gratitude. With Mount Lemmon nearby and the metropolis of Tucson off in the distance, Oracle touts a small but mighty community of just over 4000 where art, food, music, and soul have carved out a unique, secret destination. Just down the path, tucked into a hidden cul-de-sac, sits San Manuel. With unmatched sunsets and wide open recreation, San Manuel is a place where an open mind will absolutely lead to inspiration and relaxation.
Image Source: Adobe Barn Gallery
Image Source: Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness

Circling back up the Corridor into Globe, encounter some of the most historic (and haunted) buildings in AZ. The 1910 Jail sits stoically in between the old Courthouse (now the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts) and a beautifully renovated church. The train tracks nearby add to the nostalgia, but the Sushi and Mexican restaurants and cafes that line the downtown drag bring you back to a place full of energy on the verge of revitalization. Globe is rich with Arizona’s history and is the perfect place to experience all that Arizona was and will forever be.
Image Source: AZ State Parks
Image Source: Biosphere 2